Severe Weather Arrangements

The decision to close the school rests with the Headteacher.  In his absence the decision will fall to the Deputy Headteacher, in conjunction with the Senior Leadership Team. The school will only be closed as an absolute last resort, for example, if travelling becomes extremely hazardous, or if school is not safe for students and staff – parents will be advised of this as early as possible, via the homepage of the school website, via text, via email and via Twitter - 

In most cases of disruptive severe weather, we will implement our Adverse Weather Timetable which has been shared with local bus companies. This shortens the school day. Should this need to be implemented, you will be advised via email, text, via the homepage of the school website and via Twitter.

All updates will be issued via the website and Twitter. In the event of the school closing due to worsening weather conditions during the school day necessitating closure, we will again inform via the website, text, email and Twitter.  Any students that might have problems getting home should report to the main reception where the Senior Leadership Team will work together to ensure that these students get home safely. We will not allow students to leave the school site unless we are confident that parents are aware and approve of the arrangement.


Emergency School Closure

Please note the following places where information can be obtained if you are uncertain as to whether the school is open or closed due to bad weather etc.

The Kings Langley School website will have the most up to date information and is updated

Hertfordshire County Council

Chiltern Radio - 97.6 FM for Herts

Mercury FM - 96.6 FM

BBC Three Counties Radio - 103.8 FM, 95.5 FM, 630 MW, 1161 MW