From the Headteacher
Welcome to Kings Langley School, an 11-18 all ability, co-educational school for the community. As an inclusive and stimulating school we offer a range of excellent facilities and high-quality teaching that provides our students with an outstanding and supportive education from their very first day.
We believe that every child deserves the best: the highest quality learning and care, a culture that embraces tolerance, trust and success. As a school we want our students to be successful in their exams and studies but pay an equal weighting to that of ensuring students are also successful in the development of themselves and their inner character. We believe that every child, regardless of their background, should be able to fulfil their potential.
We are ambitious for every child we teach and want to see a society that benefits from the contributions of our well-educated and empowered young people who come through Kings Langley School. The universal values of justice, love and respect form a firm moral foundation to build upon. In our oversubscribed, hard-working school, students develop a real determination to make the most of the wonderful opportunities provided and feel supported at each step as they develop into confident, articulate and academically successful young people.
Our motto, "Unlocking Potential for Life”, represents the education that students will receive at Kings Langley School. We believe that education is an empowering force, that it possesses the capacity to equip the students with the knowledge and skills that future proof them for their life ahead. We want to ensure the education opens doors, gives experiences and encourages the students to think big about their life ahead.
We recognise the crucial role, which parents have to play in the education of their children. The future success of this school is based on this positive partnership between parents and school. The active involvement of parents in the life of the school brings a special warmth and vitality to our community. I am particularly proud of the quality and magnitude of the contributions that our parents make - it is one of our many strengths.
I am determined that each student at Kings Langley School will be able to reflect on their years at the school as being a period of happiness and personal fulfilment. I know that the governing body, teaching and support staff share my commitment in achieving this goal.
David Fisher BSc NPQH