Remote Learning Plan

"Learning together even when we are apart"

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to students and parents about what to expect from remote learning if there are national or local restrictions which require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home. This guidance will also be relevant for other situations which cause school closures such as epidemics, extreme weather, power-loss etc. In addition to full school closures, this documents considers the ongoing education of students who cannot be in school when the school remains fully open, but are able to continue with their education. Our approach is informed by research from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF).

At Kings Langley School it is our priority to deliver high-quality face-to-face education to all pupils. Remote education should only ever be considered as a short-term measure and as a last resort where in student attendance is not possible under two broad categories:  

  • School closures or restrictions on attendance, where school access for students is restricted  

  • Individual cases where a student is unable to attend school but is able to learn 


Scenarios where remote learning may be provided. This might include occasions: 

  • When school leaders decide it is not possible for the school to open safely, or that opening would contradict guidance from local or central government 

  • Where partial closure may need to be considered ahead of planned union strikes 

  • When individual students, for a limited duration, are unable to physically attend their school but are able to continue learning, for example pupils with an infectious illness 

  • Where in exceptional cases, for example students with SEND or a mental health issue. This approach may be used to reintegrate absent students back to school. This will be decided on a case-by-case basis and only when it is judged that providing remote education would not adversely affect the student’s return to school.   


In these circumstances students will be given access to remote education through MS Teams and online platforms directed by their subject teacher as soon as reasonably practicable, though in proportion to the length of absence and disruption to their learning. 

Students will have support from our Tutors/Pastoral Leaders and SEND team where necessary to register their attendance and to ensure students are engaging with their work. Our staff will work collaboratively with parents/carers making reasonable adjustment where necessary. 

Please find here examples of good practice when your child maybe learning remotely.  

National Online safety top tips 

If you and your child need support with accessing remote learning, please contact your pastoral mentors. 

Keystage Ms Douglas email 

Keystage Miss Price email

KS5 Ms Battaglia email

For more information on how to use MS Teams please watch the training video for parents from September 2022


Subject specific online learning platforms

Students should check Teams to see whether they have any work set for them for their day

Students should then log into Bedrock 

They need to click on the ‘Office 365’ button at the bottom of the screen.This will then automatically log them into their account.

Once all work is up to date on Bedrock, please follow the same instructions for the following online platforms.

English - Massolit and Seneca 

Geography - Seneca

Maths - Mathswatch

Modern Languages - LanguageNut , This is language, Kerboodle Linguascope

PRE - Seneca

PE - Seneca

PSHE - Unifrog for all students, 6th Form Unifrog and Sixth form UCAS

Technology -Seneca

Politics - Seneca

Food - Seneca

A Parent's Guide to Remote Learning

Resources for Online Learning

How to access Teams guide

Remote Learning Provision


Kings Langley School Published in Cyber Wiston Study 

Copy of the study