Design and Technology

“Enjoy failure and learn from it. You never learn from success.”


“As soon as I was old enough to peer over the top of the worktop, I remember being fascinated by what went on in the kitchen. It just seemed such a cool place everyone working together to make this lovely food and having a laugh doing it.”


Design and Technology is all around us in our modern world. Learning about Design and Technology helps our students understand the world in which they are living, and actively engage in it. It helps them know where we have been and develop where we are going.

The aims of the Design and Technology department are to prepare students with the skills and knowledge for the world outside the classroom, enabling them to be creative innovators and experience life to the full, both in the world of work and leisure for their future.

The aim of the food curriculum is to support the development of their long life good health and well-being of our students through the studying of nutrition and cookery.


Key Stage 3

Students study area subjects on a 9 week rotation In year 7 Computer science, Food, Product Design and Textiles. In years 8 and 9 Food, textiles, Resistant materials and Graphics.


Extra-Curricular Activities for Key Stage 3

  • Knitting Club
  • Chefs club
  • BNF - (British Nutrition Foundation) Health eating week an annual event with a range of extra activities in the food rooms at lunch and after school


Key Stage 4

Two GCSE’s are offered as option subjects:

Food Preparation and Nutrition AQA 8585
Design and Technology AQA 8552 (options to work in Graphics, Resistant Materials and or Textiles)


Exam board websites (specification and specimen papers) and other useful websites.

Design and Technology - AQA

Technology student

Food and Nutrition - AQA

Food a Fact of Life

British Nutrition Foundation

AQA Illuminate


Extra-Curricular Activities Key Stage 4

  • The Design and technology department offer after school sessions on a Wednesday evening throughout the year for KS4 and 5 students to attend for NEA catch up and revision.

  • The rotary chef competition- KLS hosts the annual area event for year 10 food students.

  • STEM week activities and competitions. 

Key Stage 5

Two A levels are offered as option choices:

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Design and Technology - Product Design (9DT0)

Fashion and Textiles AQA 7562 


Key Stage 5 useful links

Design and Technology - Pearson

Fashion and Textiles - AQA

A Level Options Booklet

Key Stage 4 and 5 Reading


Extra-Curricular Activities Key Stage 5:

  • Kit car
  • Coursework catch up Thursday evenings

Useful Books and websites


Staff Team

Miss C Scanlan - Learning Area Leader for Technology
Mr J Housego - Second in Technology
Miss A Falconer - Teacher
Mr T Brent - Technician