Pupil Premium and Free School Meals
The government allocates additional money to schools to support students from low-income families. The aim is to narrow the disadvantage gap by addressing inequalities, accelerate progress and raise the academic achievement of this cohort of students.
Pupil Premium (PP) Funding is allocated to:
- Students who are entitled to free school meals (FSM)
- Student who have received free school meals in the last six years (FSM6)
- Looked after children (CLA)
- Previously looked after children (PCLA)
- Services children who have received free school meals in the last 6 years (SP)
If you think your child may qualify please complete the Free School Meals application form below.
Free School Meals application form
Schools have autonomy to determine how best to use this funding. There is, however, an obligation for all schools to publish, annually, a report on how the PP funding has been spent or is planned to be spent and what has been the impact on PP students’ academic performance in previous years.
When judging how successful the school has been in closing this gap, the results of our PP students are compared to the national average of non-PP students, particularly when reviewing the cohort’s performance in Maths and English GCSE, and the progress that they have made from Key Stage 2.
At Kings Langley School we follow The EEF Guide to the Pupil Premium (see below). This a practical guide to support schools to develop their pupil premium strategy based on the best evidence, and to meet updated DfE requirements. Pupil Premium funding is used to raise the attainment of students who receive Pupil Premium funding.
- High Quality First Teaching - Training and CPD for teachers
- Targeted Academic Support -eg additional literacy & numeracy support, tutoring
- Wider strategies - eg pastoral support, breakfast club, wider curriculum
For more detailed information please refer to our Pupil Premium Strategy document.
The EEF Guide to the Pupil Premium
Examples of support within our offer
KEY STAGE 3 (YEARS. 7 – 9)
- Pastoral Support – form tutor and dedicated Pastoral Leader for each year group
- Support with Kings Langley School branded uniform and PE kit
- 50% off school visits (15% of places reserved for PP)
- Financial Assistance with Activities Week
- Music lessons
- Locker
STAGE 4 (YEARS 10 – 11)
- Pastoral Support – form tutor and dedicated Pastoral Leader for each year group
- Support with Kings Langley School branded uniform and PE kit
- 50% off school visits (15% of places reserved for PP)
- Financial Assistance with Activities Week
- National Tutoring Program
- Careers guidance appointments
- Music lessons
- Locker
- Revision guides
There are additional funds that can be used to support students to overcome barriers to their education and to support wider curricular opportunities. Please discuss with your child’s form tutor or Pastoral Leader.