Uniform and Equipment

Students must follow the uniform code at all times when on the school site. This applies throughout the day, including before and after the school day. School uniform can be purchased from the uniform website www.beatschooluniforms.co.uk. Consideration will be given to students that cannot wear certain items for Learning Support or medical reasons, provided a professional medical letter is provided.   

Students arriving on site out of uniform will be issued with uniform they may borrow for the day, and a sanction will be applied which is consistent with our behaviour policy. 


  • Beat School Uniforms Ltd – www.beatschooluniforms.co.uk
  • Although this is our approved supplier, some items of uniform are available from well known retailers. 

Uniform General Notes

Blazers may be removed in lessons at the teachers discretion and whilst participating in an organised break/lunch activity. During warmer weather blazers may be taken off in the school building once a general notice of permission is given by the Headteacher. 

Hoodies are not to be worn on site, they will be confiscated immediately. 

No jewellery is to be worn except a small stud which is acceptable one per ear. One watch. All other forms of body piercing are not allowed and must be removed. This includes all facial piercings and stretch piercing of the ear lobe. For safety reasons rings are not permitted. 

The school rucksack/backpack is the only type of bag students may use at school. Backpacks are a better option than shoulder or messenger bags for carrying books and supplies. This is because the weight of the pack is evenly distributed across your body. The strongest muscles in the body are the back and the abdominal muscles which support the pack.

Students with haircuts that include razor patterns or brightly dyed hair may be placed into the inclusion room at the discretion of the Headteacher. If hair is dyed, it must be one natural colour. Long hair must be tied up during certain activities for health and safety reasons eg. sports lessons. Any hair accessories must be plain black or school maroon. Short hair cuts should be smart and suitable for school. 

Students wearing overtly obvious make-up will be asked to remove it at the discretion of the pastoral team and senior leadership team. Nail polish and fake nails are not allowed, this includes gels and acrylics. 

No head gear is to be worn except those required for religious or cultural reasons, such as Hijab for girls or  turbans for boys or due to medical reasons, which should be in school colours.

Inappropriate articles will be removed or confiscated including:

  • Hoodies or non-school jumpers
  • Visible mobile phones and other electronic devices
  • Any item deemed to be a weapon
  • Laser pens
  • Aerosols or sprays
  • Any item the staff feel is not appropriate for school use

Please note that the school provides support for the purchasing of school uniform items for some families who may need support.

The Headteacher's decision on all uniform matters is final. 

Pre-Loved Uniform

Friends of Kings Langley School often have pre-loved uniform sales and coffee mornings. The next sale of pre-loved uniform will take place on the 8th March 2025. In the meantime if you need any pre-loved uniform please email the school. 

School Uniform Letter

School Uniform List

School Equipment List