Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.”
Steve Jobs 

As a school we have a statutory and moral duty to provide students in Years 7 to 13 with careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG). 

Our careers strategy (CEIAG) is interwoven into all areas of our curriculum but most notably in our PSHE programme of study and fulfils the eight Gatsby Career Benchmarks, which are:

  • A stable careers programme

  • Learning from career and labour market information

  • Linking curriculum learning to careers

  • Encounters with employers and employees

  • Experiences of workplaces

  • Encounters with further and higher education

  • Personal guidance 

As a school of character, Kings Langley School aims to create and promote an inclusive climate, which enables equal opportunity and access to careers education, information, advice and guidance for all students, giving them a clearer idea of the routes to jobs and careers they may find engaging and rewarding. Our aim is for students to receive high-quality, unbiased, professional and appropriate careers education, information, advice and guidance, so that students can make reasoned and rational choices, as they prepare to leave Kings Langley School, about their next stage in life, whether it be further education, the world of work or an apprenticeship. This is in addition to having a great curriculum and the ability to demonstrate great character traits, particularly self-regulation; stickability; and empathy, which will support them in being well-rounded people who can flourish in their future lives and careers.

Our careers strategy is wide-ranging and can be seen in a variety of areas in the official curriculum, and in many areas of our personal development framework. Core teaching of careers education takes place within the PSHE programme in years 7 to 13, with subject areas making key links within their curriculum time and is taught by all teachers. Access to employers, employees, businesses and enterprises, colleges and universities are through a series of speaker programmes linking to subject lessons, drop-down lessons and assemblies, our yearly careers fair, and trips and visits to various sites. If you would like or are able to offer further support or make an enquiry about how you could contribute to the CEIAG programme at Kings Langley School, please contact Jan Wright, 

Employer Information

All students experience both work shadowing days (Years 7, 8 and 9), and a week of work experience (Years 10 and 12), which students record using our Unifrog package - a complete destinations platform. Additional opportunities are sought out for students such as employability skills workshops, university summer school programmes and taster days, and there are several careers information points around the school, with the main area being the library.

All students have access to a variety of careers interviews from varying sources, including at least one from an external impartial provider (currently Services for Young People). These take place at key transition points for all students, but also where there is considered an additional need.

Opportunity Newsletters

December 2024

January 2025

February 2025

February 2025 Volume 2

Careers Team:

Mrs R Jennings -   Careers Leader               Email:  Tel: 01923 264504

Mrs J Wright -        KS3 & 4 Careers            Email: 

Mrs V Battaglia -   KS5 Careers                   Email:

Mr M Moyo - Learning Area Leader of PSHE  Email:

Mrs D Helfgott -    CEIAG Governor 

Our Careers Programme Information

CEIAG entitlement statement

CEIAG programme of study

CEIAG access statement

CEIAG Who we work wit

Careers learning journey

The Gatesby benchmarks

Compass evaluation tool showing 100% achieved 

How Parents Can Support Their Child

Parent information 

UTCs and studio schools in our area

Useful websites and terminology

Labour market information (LMI)