Colour Awards

“Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. It will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.” 
Robin Sharma

The Kings Langley Colour Awards (KLS Colour Awards) provide students across the school and Sixth Form community the opportunity to have recognised, their engagement in the range of diverse and exciting opportunities that present themselves in school as well as the personal development beyond the school gates, in student’s life outside of school.  The six colour awards recognise that diverse interests, hobbies, and aspirations of our students, and give student the opportunity to concentrate on specific areas of interest.  The also encourage students to try something new and explore the full range of opportunities the school has to offer.

These awards encourage students to consider what they do beyond the academic life of school and get recognition for how they are developing personally and contributing to the life of the school and the local community. 

There are six KLS Colour Awards to collect:

· Arts, Culture & Creativity
· Community & Civic Action
· Discovery
· Reading & Oracy
· Sports
· STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) 

For each award, students need to meet the criteria for each of the following categories for the award and level that they are aiming for:

· Extra-curricular
· Leadership
· Personal Development
· School & Wider Community 

For each award level there is a special badge that students are awarded with and they wear this on their blazer lapel with pride.  Students are presented their badge alongside a certificate by the Headteacher.

To apply for a KLS Colour Award click here

Students can also find an application link on their registration channel on MSTEAMS.

KLS Colour Awards Handbook