Apply & Prospectus
Why study with us?
In short, we are committed to your success and happiness.
We are proud of our students and their achievements. The successes and achievements of all our students is testament to their hard work and commitment to their studies. In addition to what our students do, we are proud of our sixth forms achievements and would like to highlight the following:
High performing sixth form with a proven track record of success (link to exam data)
KLS 6F Average grade = B-, Herts. Average = C (link to exam data)
Development of the whole person, not just academic attainment
Brand new, multi-million pound sixth form building
Subject specialists in all subjects offered
A dedicated sixth form team with KS5 form tutors and pastoral team
Staff that know you and can support your transition from GCSE to A-Level from day one
Wide ranging enrichment and personal development programme including Post-18 support
Impressive Post-18 destinations including Oxbrige, Russell Group universities, employers and apprenticeships including Dyson, Amazon, and Netflix.
Small classes (around 4-16 on average, subject dependent)
Fully inclusive
SEND support and bursary funding & support
Wellbeing and mental health and healthy lifestyle provision