All admissions must go through Herts County Council. For more information on the admissions system please call 0300 123 4043 or visit the Herts Direct website.
We would encourage all parents and guardians to visit the Herts County Council website as it contains some very useful information on the admissions procedure.
You do not need to complete a supplementary information form (SIF) or a separate application form to apply for a place at this school unless you are applying to the Sixth form.
Please note that Kings Langley School is unable to advise on admissions, including distances from home and catchment areas - these are all dealt with by Herts County Council.
All details on Admissions, including the Continuing Interest List, are held at Herts County Council and not at the school.
In-Year admissions for the school
If you wish to apply for a place at Kings Langley School, please call Hertfordshire County Council on 0300 123 4043 to request an In-Year admissions pack, or download one from the Herts Direct website
Please note that Kings Langley School is unable to advise on admissions.
Map of Priority Areas 6A and 6B
Admissions aRRANGEMENTS 2026/27
Please browse our website, download the prospectus. Our team is always on hand to assist you with any questions you have about the transfer process in general, or specific queries regarding an education at Kings Langley School. Please contact
As the Headteacher of Kings Langley School, I look forward to welcoming you and your child as part of our ongoing transition arrangements.
David Fisher